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Cars And Coffee - Riverside, CA

I'd been meaning to attend the local Cars and Coffee event in east side of Riverside, CA, for some time now, but just got around to it today. There was no particular occasion for choosing to go today, we just went cars. When it comes to cool cars, that is all the reason that one needs. The event is held on the far north parking lot on Harvest Ministries grounds, and there was plenty of room for cars. Given how warm it was today, the event was well-attended. These types of car gatherings tend to draw the same kind of attendees, and this one was no exception: tens of old men (sometimes with their little ladies in tow), all hanging out together talking amongst themselves, and ignoring everyone who stops to admire their cars. I have no doubt that a frequent topic of their conversation is how no young people are interested in old cars, and if that is so (and it is), they must certainly blame themselves. I had two 12-year-old boys with me today and none of these old people engaged them at all. I wasn't offended or anything, I just find it odd that someone can have a passion and not be willing to pass on that passion.

Most of the cars were fairly common, with the local Corvette club having the most at about 10 cars from generations C4-C8, but there were some interesting cars there, as well. Probably my favorite was the Packard, which was equipped with an inline eight-cylinder engine. It was nicely maintained in good driving order and did I mention that it had a beautiful eight-cylinder engine?! The angle of the sun wasn't ideal, but I did manage to get some good pictures, and they are included herein.


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