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Fontana Cruise-in, August 2024

On August 24, there was a cruise-in in Fontana. The location was just east of a Wal-Mart parking lot, which was good because the Wal-Mart lot provided overflow. This was their first time at this new location and the move was made necessary because there are so many clubs with so many active participants that they'd outgrown other spots in the city.

Even with so many cars and so many people, the show was a peaceful event and no drama was seen anywhere. I wish that I'd gotten there early, but the darkness did allow me to practice shooting in low-light conditions. I'd brought my tripod with me, but I'd left it in my trunk and didn't feel like going back to get it, so that meant that I'd be shooting higher ISOs. It was not unusual to see ISO 4000 on this night, but my D810 handles higher ISOs just fine.

I am looking forward to the next show and I will make sure that I get there earlier next time.

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